Stressed? Be a Hero Today!

The World can always use more Heros, and our children need us to be. I recently recognized the immediate necessity to both show my children how to help others in life and give them an innate burning desire to do just that. Join in to inspire & motivate by simply giving~ If you think you have nothing to offer, think again. Some of the best depression/anxiety therapy is to HELP OTHERS. And Some of the best help is a tender touch and an ear...We need to stand up together, by individually getting off our chair and climbing to the tallest mountain of our passions. Join the HEROS of the World thru my causes listed here below, thru a cause on one of my links to other volunteer groups searches around the globe...or make your own... TODAY. I did! Now it's your turn.

Healing with Hands

My 6 year old son and I will visit various individuals at businesses,
homes, nursing homes, or the like to donate our healing efforts with bodywork. This may be hands and feet massage, but my personal license accepts any body point.